2013 年

1) Amada T., Yoshimatsu K., Yasuda S.P., Shimizu K., Koma T., Hayashimoto N., Gamage C.D., Nishio S., Takakura A. and Arikawa J. Rapid, whole blood diagnostic test for detecting anti-hantavirus antibody in rats. J Virol Methods. 193:42-9. 2013.

2) Hayashimoto N., Morita H., Ishida T., Yasuda M., Kameda S., Uchida R., Tanaka M., Ozawa M., Sato A., Takakura A., Itoh T. and Kagiyama N. Current microbiological status of laboratory mice and rats in experimental facilities in Japan. Exp Anim. 62:41-8. 2013.

3) Ng T.F., Kondov N.O., Hayashimoto N., Uchida R., Cha Y., Beyer A.I., Wong W., Pesavento P.A., Suemizu H., Muench M.O. and Delwart E. Identification of an astrovirus commonly infecting laboratory mice in the US and Japan. PLoS One. 25;8(6):e66937. 2013.

4) 鍵山直子、水島友子:動物実験計画の立案と審査はこれでバッチリ 動物実験研究者必見 動物実験の倫理指針と苦痛度評価 日本薬理学雑誌 141:141-9. 総説. 2013.